Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lucky Lincolnites - Great Plains Trails Network

Lincolnites need to realize how lucky they are to have such a wonderful trail system. I think some people take it for granted, and I'm always amazed when I ask people who have lived here for a very long time if they have ever been on any of the trails, and they say, "No." REALLY? (But I guess people live in western Neb. and never go to Chimney Rock or the SBNational Monument).

I think the people who take advantage of this special resource are a unique community. People jog, walk their dogs, stroll with kids, rollerblade, and of course, bike. We wave to each other, say hi, mind the "on your left" rule... and never once have I felt unsafe out there by my lonesome.

Not every community in Nebraska is supportive of a trails effort (my home town). I am one who believes a trail system is one of the greatest assets you can show to a potential new business or family moving to town. We have great schools, low crime rate, etc... and these beautiful trails = quality of life.

Last night while riding up Rock Island, I saw this cherry red bird (Scarlet Tanager maybe?). It was the prettiest bird... I don't know anything about birds, but it was striking. There are others flying around of all colors. Little bridges, waterways, green spaces... all of this peace and beauty to experience. Get out and ride! Take note of your surroundings. I guarantee it will help with your stress level and clear your mind.


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