Thursday, April 2, 2009

Map My Ride (bike-run-walk-hike)

Cameron and I ran a few tonight. So nice to do things with your kids. He is thinking of going out for cross country next year. I really hope he does it. I think it will be excellent for him. He actually could do well and find another life sport. So just a little run tonight, about 3 miles. Did I say I suck at running? Well let me say it again. I SUK!

If you do any kind of running/biking/hiking, you should check out It is a great way to saving your training routes...or it just helps you measure how far you went. I wish I had money laying around for all these premium subscriptions, thing-a-ma-jigs, and what-nots. Although I do have a lot of miscellaneous junk/toys!

Can't live without my ZUNE!


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