Monday, August 17, 2009

The Media Says So! Are you SERIOUS?

A quick soapbox: check this picture. I don't know about you, but I don't think "skeleton" is sexy. (AP Photo)

I have/had teenage boys. And because of that, I do get to see a little bit of the pressure on teenage girls to be thin. Both my boys have told me over the years, they see girls eating lettuce at lunchtime, or not at all, to look like THIS?

I don't remember back in the day the pressure to be that intense. Today, it is intense. I do remember two cases of bulimia on our school. I shudder to think about what parents are going through with their teenage daughters.

Yes, you will hear me whining about my big thighs, fanny, etc. I wish I could care less, but I have been very conscious of my appearance my whole life. I know if I don't stay active, I will succumb to my heritage: GERMAN BUTT, THIGHS AND ARM WINGS. (Side note: I had to make sure I spelled "succumb" correctly and wanted to note the definition: to yield to disease, wounds, old age, etc.; die.) You get the picture! Eventually my German-ness is going to catch up with me, but I'll fight it as much as I can! One thing is for sure, there will be no skeleton!

Just not much else to say about this, except it is a sad state of affairs when skeleton is the standard. Kudos to DOVE for their Campaign for Real Beauty.


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