Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Giving in? Definitely not giving up!

Oct 23. How long ago was that? 10 days as of this post. That was the day the right hamstring started giving me fits.

Online research..."how to heal hamstring FAST." Well, that Google search doesn't exist, at least with any find that doesn't sell vitamins or Mona Vie.

My then "hamstring injury" search revealed RICE: rest, ice, compression, elevation. So that is what I did. All except the R part. And guess what. A week later, no progress.

Then of course the weekend comes around. Did you know standing around a table for a couple of hours wearing even low-heeled boots watching the Stars hockey game AND drinking beer is NOT good for a hamstring injury? Who woulda thunk it.

So I have have given in to the "R". It is extremely difficult for this 40+'er to NOT DO ANYTHING. Do you know how many times I've not done any exercise for more than 3 days in a row? Barring Jamaican vacations, (which by the way, require a LOT of "R",) it doesn't happen much, due to the guilt factor. I'm not a fanatic, but I like to stay healthy and keep my shape to a decent proportion. Hey I drink beer so there is some give and take there!

Yesterday I taught my spinning class, after the PT said I could but "take it easy." About 7 p.m. last night, what would you think happened? WRONG! I felt great! Leg was loose, pain subsiding... and I'm thinking, "Ya laying around on my arse...phooey." This morning, how do you think things were? WRONG! I felt great! Leg was loose, pain subsiding...I'm thinking, "PHOOEY AGAIN!" Thoughts of canceling Friday's PT appointment going through my mind...

Then I got to work, sat in the chair, started writing web pages... and guess what happened? RIGHT! Sharp, knife stabbing pain in the ham! Ah crap. Guess I'm still on the DL.

OK, OK, Mom, I'll go to the stupid PT appointment. :-(


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